C/Engagement – Engagement Index
Which sites are worthwhile advertising investments? On which sites is marketing activity most effective? Which forums are the most important, in terms of conversation?
These questions are only answered by testing the degree of engagement (public interaction) generated by the various arenas on subjects that are important to the brand.
People converse on a wide variety of sites, about every imaginable subject, but there are specific forums, blogs, and special-interest Facebook pages for any given subject, and these tend to stimulate the most engagement.
Buzzilla's Engagement Index ranks conversation arenas by level of engagement. This ranking helps you plan and focus your marketing activity in the appropriate content arenas – those with the highest number of relevant subjects, with a high number of participants, and with a “ripple effect” of carrying the circle of conversation to additional arenas. The Engagement Index is therefore a vital, concise, and extremely effective planning tool.
To rank sites and parts of sites by degree of engagement with a specified subject.
Brand Tracking research includes:
- Mapping of all conversation arenas relevant to the subject
- Analysis of different arenas according to Buzzilla's definition of engagement
- Ranking of arenas in relation to engagement levels on the subject
- Operational planning recommendations