T/Brand – Brand Environment Index
A brand environment is alive – constantly in motion. Consumers who see a brand in a particular light can have a very different view a month (or even a day) from now. The brand itself develops dynamically in response to this environment – making headlines, experiencing changes, reacting to competitors' activities and re-inventing itself.
Many factors can trigger a change in brand perception, but these changes can almost always be seen through consumer conversation online. The talk about the brand, the sentiments expressed, and the attitude toward marketing activity are all reactions to changes. The consumer group generating this conversation also changes, and the conversation can therefore migrate across various consumer groups.
Until recently, it was impossible to assess the cumulative influence of all these factors. Now, Buzzilla's Talkability Index provides brand-tracking research with just that ability. As an integral part of T/Brand research, the Index is specially designed to help companies adapt brand marketing activity to the changing reality of the brand environment. This is done by drawing insights and operational conclusions from online conversation.
The mapping is not for a finite period, but is rather a cyclical, continuous process that includes calculating, analyzing, drawing conclusions, implementing recommendations, and re-evaluating. The ongoing tracking therefore enables long-term assessment of implementation effects as they develop.
"Talkability", in terms of this index, is a function of tracking quantity (the volume of conversation relating to the brand) and quality (the tone of the conversations). The complex calculation is performed by algorithms which Buzzilla developed, based on the “utility curve” taken from economic theory.
To measure the brand's position as reflected in online conversation, periodically analyzing influencing factors, in order to be aware of changes over time.
Brand Index Tracking research includes:
- A tracking report submitted once per period, displaying the trends and changes that have occurred
- A numerical index that continuously tracks conversation about several brands in the designated category
- Analysis of the factors generating negative and positive conversation about the brand
- Mapping of main conversation subjects, characterizing the active groups for each subject
- A detailed description of consumer feelings about the brand and general category topics
- Presentation of a list of conclusions based on research findings and analysis of the competitive environment