T/Trend – Trend Tracking

Your long acquaintance with your market has made you aware of general and consumer trends that affect the market and your business category. But the changes triggered by these trends are becoming more and more frequent.

In a world where the only real constant is change itself, you need strong tools to track the trends and map their possible effects on your company and its brands.

Trend Tracking research is based on a combined quantitative and qualitative analysis, focusing on trends you can recognize in the market, and identifying the opportunities and threats derived from these trends.

To track the influence of category and consumer trends on the brand over time, analyzing the possible directions of their development and the resulting effects.

Trend Tracking research includes:

  • Ongoing tracking of relevant general and consumer trends
  • Mapping of the possible impact of these trends on the company or brand
  • Updated characteristics of the trend over time, both generally and specifically as they relate to the brand
  • A tracking report submitted once per period, presenting the trends and changes that have occurred